4 Cybersecurity Threats To Know About In 2021

We don’t need to tell you that a switch to remote work has been a challenge for companies around the world, even after more than a year of doing it. Some plan to continue working remotely indefinitely, while others are eager to bring staff back to the office as soon as possible.

No matter which camp a company finds itself in, there’s no denying that unique cybersecurity challenges have been, and continue to be, presented to MSPs that are unequipped to handle them.

In this post, we’re going to discuss four cybersecurity threats that every company should be prepared to handle. If your clients are having a difficult time adjusting to these challenges, contact our team at Cyberstone to learn more about adding our MSP security services to your offerings!


Distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks overload a company’s website, preventing users from purchasing goods and services. They’re nothing new, but they’re still a concerning cyber threat that can cost a business thousands of dollars for every hour of service that is denied to would-be customers. Given that many businesses currently depend on their websites being live and accessible around the clock, defending against DDoS attacks is a top priority.


Ransomware is a form of attack in which malicious third parties capture sensitive data and demand payment to release it. Like DDoS attacks, tactics have only become more advanced as AI technology and advanced programs are used to get around security systems and capture highly sensitive data. In 2020 alone, ransomware demands totaled more than $1.4 billion dollars and accounted for approximately one-fifth of all major data breaches!


Bitcoin and other forms of cryptocurrency are hot commodities right now. They’re so hot, in fact, that hackers have developed programs that are able to hijack phones and computers in order to mine cryptocurrency using the victim’s resources. The resources required aren’t always significant enough to be noticed right away, but it’s a form of stealing nonetheless. It’s recommended that users update their computers and security applications (especially on home devices they use for work) to the latest versions that are equipped to handle crypto-jacking attempts.


Third-party software is an internal security threat that many companies are trying to address now that much of their workforce is remote. Employees may have applications and programs installed on personal devices that are not protected by top-of-the-line security software, leaving them vulnerable to attacks and putting the company’s sensitive information at risk. Employers can take steps to protect their data by mandating that employees use a VPN and access their data only from authorized devices, but education and training are the fundamental issues that need to be addressed.

At Cyberstone, we offer MSPs an easy, effective, and affordable way to help their clients improve security, ensure compliance, and train employees to identify and avoid security risks. Download our free eBook, Crushing the Opposition, to learn more about how investing in cybersecurity services could help your business thrive in 2021, and get in touch with us when you’re ready to get started with a consultation.